Every Thursday people from all sorts of businesses, professions and trades come along to one of our weekly breakfast meetings.
All visitors will be welcomed and there is nothing better than participation to see for oneself how word of mouth referrals can be one of the most powerful and cost effective ways of getting new business.
If you haven't already been invited by one of our members, please contact us by phone or e-mail to arrange an invitation; we would be delighted to hear from you.
Plan to arrive between 6.00am and 6.15am, the meeting will finish by 8.30am. Below is a brief overview of what to expect:
Open Networking; introductions and a chance to mingle and chat with current members and this week's visitors over tea/coffee.
Breakfast is served, the meeting opens and the Leadership Team is introduced.
Each member spends 60 seconds briefly educating other members and visitors about the service they provide, and what sort of referrals they are looking for. After this, you together with other visitors also have the same opportunity to talk about your business for 60 seconds.
10 minute presentation; one member each week is given an opportunity to present a more detailed overview of their business.
Referrals! This is where each member gets the chance to give out qualified business referrals to other members and visitors.
Announcements, close of meeting.
To make the most of your visit please bring the following with you:
You will have a chance to network and pass your business cards round to all members and other visitors.
You will also get chance to tell us what area of business you are in and how we could help you.
This is a contribution towards the meeting room hire, tea/coffee and breakfast.
As you are already on this site why not take a look at our members page? You might be able to identify some potential suppliers and clients to look out for at the meeting.